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Welding Carriages & Weavers assist the professional welder in maintaining a safe and high-quality weld in Dubai, UAE. Sometimes referred to as semi-automation, the portable welding carriages make welding easier for the welder because the torch movement is now mechanized and controlled. This allows the welder to concentrate on the weld parameters and bead creation avoiding uncomfortable positions, weld heat & fumes, while manually welding. By maintaining a consistent torch tip distance, the arc voltage remains the same. Speed controls maintain an even weld bead and penetration; this reduces over-welding and, in turn, reduces costs. Distortion is controlled by maintaining a constant heat-affected zone. Wire and gas waste is reduced as only the determined amounts of these are applied to the weld bead. Welding carriages can be used for MIG, FCAW welding. Besides lateral motion, many weld carriages can be assigned parameters to control other variables in the welding process.

There are different models of Welding Carriages / Weld Oscillators available in the UAE to suit the welding application. We have machines which come on tracks and without tracks. Tracks can be flexible suiting the job curvature.