Truck Meter Packages are versatile because of their modular design and arrangement flexibility.
Truck meter package options are made by combining various components. These consist of a meter, counter, air eliminator/strainer, faucet, preset counter, and ticket printer.The primary functions of metering product and registering volume are performed by a Rotary Vane Positive
Displacement Meter and Large Numeral Counter. Other modular features can be easily added as simple bolt on
items to meet customer requirements.
air elimination feature will sense slugs of air approaching the meter
and vent them. This will keep the meter packed with fluid, preventing
erroneous measurement. A strainer is an integral part of the air
eliminator which will remove contaminants from the line.The faucet
is a valve that starts and stops flow and can be incorporated with the
preset counter to automatically deliver and shut off the delivered batch
(one person operation).A ticket printer will provide receipt of the registered quantity delivered.