24263 Plot no 1088 Al Jurf Ajman UAE UAE Ajman
United Arab Emirates
Standard: ASTM BS DIN JIS GB. Grade: SGCC, SGCH, SGCE, SPCG, DB51D, Thickness: 0.30 mm to 2.5 mm, Width: 21 mm to 1500 mm, Coil ID: 508 mm to 610 mm, Coil Wt. Up to 12 MT, Zinc Coating: 120 GSM to 275 GSM, Customization: As per our customer needs, Lock forming quality, Regular Spangle, Minimum spangle, Zero spangle.
A galvanized steel sheet is a sheet of steel that has been galvanized in order to help prevent corrosion. These sheets can be used in a variety of applications including in furniture, cars, or in making tool boxes. The process is done in order to help steel stave off corrosion caused by exposure to other metals in the presence of an electrolyte or to oxygen and water. By putting on a barrier to coat the steel, a galvanized steel sheet is able to better resist the destructive forces acting against it. It must be noted, however, that this coating can deteriorate over time
Ghosh Group GI-The process of hot-dip galvanizing results in a metallurgical bond between zinc and steel with a series of distinct iron-zinc alloys. The resulting coated steel can be used in much the same way as uncoated. Galvanized steel can be welded; however, one must exercise caution around the resulting zinc fumes. Galvanized steel is suitable for high-temperature applications of up to 392 °F (200 °C). Use at temperatures above this level will result in peeling of the zinc at the intermetallic layer. Galvanized sheet steel is commonly used in automotive manufacture to enhance corrosion performance of exterior body panels of some models
We Ghosh Group offer a wide range of galvanized steels in different range, size and thickness based on the requirement of our customers. These are highly durable and are responsive to rigorous fabrication, weld consistency and have superior finish and increased bend ability. These galvanized steel are suitable to be used in irrigation, water supply, plumbing, water wells, cold storage applications and various other industries. We offer the following products in galvanized forms
Sheet Metal Gauge Size Chart Gauge (or gage) sizes are numbers that indicate the thickness of a piece of sheet metal, with a higher number referring to a thinner sheet. The equivalent thicknesses differ for each gauge size standard, which were developed based on the weight of the sheet for a given material. The Manufacturers' Standard Gage provides the thicknesses for standard steel, galvanized steel, and stainless steel. The Brown and Sharpe Gage, also known as the American Wire Gage (AWG), is used for most non ferrous metals, such as Aluminium and Brass. In the UK, the Birmingham Gage (BG) is used for a variety of metals and should not be confused with the Birmingham Wire Gage (BWG), which is used for wires. Lastly, a standard exists for Zinc in which a higher gauge number indicates a thicker sheet. The chart below can be used to determine the equivalent sheet thickness, in inches or millimetres, for a gauge number from the selected gauge size standard. The weight per unit area of the sheet can also be seen in pounds per square foot and kilograms per square meter.
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