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<strong><strong>Model : OPTRA-e : </strong></strong>Concept Heatless Desiccant Air Dryer Model OPTRA-e specially designed for Minimum purge loss with optimum performance<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p><strong>FEATURES</strong><br> <br> • New esthetical design.<br> <br> • Microprocessor control panel with <br>regulation control panel operation cycle display functions to adopt the <br>working conditions (dew point) to the end user’s requirements.<br> <br> • New pneumatics valves, high orifice, easy to maintain, designed for heavy duty controls.<br> <br> • Slow re‐pressurization prevent bed lifting abrasion and extends desiccant life.<br> <br> • Designed for adverse conditions at 45o C compressed air<br> <br> • temperature and maintains (‐) 40o C dew point @ 0.3 bar pressure difference. &